Club Meetings

Location & Time

RAC holds a club meeting every month. Meetings usually begin with an educational program followed by a business session. Guests are always welcome.

Programs cover astronomy topics of interest and range from how to use a telescope to astrophotography to current topics in the science of astronomy. They often provide an excellent learning experience for people who are just getting started in astronomy.

The program is followed by a business session. Guests are welcome to remain for the business session but may not vote on motions. Off-line help for beginners is available during the business session.

Loaner equipment is available to members only and is normally checked out and returned at club meetings (see Library page).

Click here for Meeting Minutes

Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 7-9 PM. Except as announced, the club meeting location is:

Central Rappahannock Regional Library, Main Branch, Audio/Visual Room, 1201 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, VA. 540-372-1144.

Visitors are invited to come early and meet club members. The library closes at 9:00 PM so the meeting must conclude in a timely manner to permit breakdown of A/V equipment and restoration of room configuration .

Introductions, meet & greet 6:45 to 7:00 PM
Program presentation starts at 7:00 PM
Business session starts at approx. 8:00 PM
Meeting concludes by 8:50 PM for CRRL closure

There is a parking lot behind the library building as well as curb parking on Caroline and Sophia Streets and the adjacent cross streets.

2011 Meeting Schedule, Programs & Speakers *
Date Location Speaker

January 12 CRRL Headquarters Dave Bentz "Building a Home Observatory"
  February 9 CRRL Headquarters Bart Billard "The Kepler Mission"
 March 9 CRRL Headquarters Equip. Custodians "How to Set Up and Use RAC's Loaner Telescopes"
April 13 CRRL Headquarters Brenda Conway "Landing on a Sunspot!"
May 11 CRRL Headquarters Leigh Gettier "Effects of Vacuum on Materials"
June 8 CRRL Headquarters Glenn Holliday "Introducing Astronomy at Star Parties"
July 13 CRRL Headquarters Scott Busby "About Light Pollution"
August 27 Scott's Place ** No Program No Program - Club Picnic
September 14 CRRL Headquarters Joseph Francis "The Evolution of Stars"
October 4 † CRRL Headquarters Brenda Conway "NASA Mercury Mission Update"
November 9 ‡ CRRL Headquarters No Program No Program - Club Election Meeting
December 14 CRRL Headquarters Glenn Holliday "Pluto"
* Speakers and programs are subject to change or cancellation. Check the monthly club meeting announcement at the upper right corner of the RAC home page before each meeting for updated news of actual program and speaker.
Email Scott for directions.
† Club officer nominations (Note date change). ‡
Club elections.

For more information or to request a public outreach event, contact RAC's President via email. Telephone contact info is on the AboutRAC page.
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Questions or comments about this web site may be directed by email to RAC's Web Editor. Telephone contact info is on the AboutRAC page.